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1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics (Hardcover)

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Product Name
1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book is targeted mainly to the undergraduate students of USA UK and other European countries and the M. Sc of Asian countries but will be found useful for the graduate students Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Teachers and Tutors. This is a by-product of lectures given at the Osmania University University of Ottawa and University of Tebrez over several years and is intended to assist the students in their assignments and examinations. The book covers a wide spectrum of disciplines in Modern Physics and is mainly based on the actual examination papers of UK and the Indian Universities. The selected problems display a large variety and conform to syllabi which are currently being used in various countries. The book is divided into ten chapters. Each chapter begins with basic concepts containing a set of formulae and explanatory notes for quick reference followed by a number of problems and their detailed solutions. The problems are judiciously selected and are arranged section-wise. The so- tions are neither pedantic nor terse. The approach is straight forward and step-- step solutions are elaborately provided. More importantly the relevant formulas used for solving the problems can be located in the beginning of each chapter. There are approximately 150 line diagrams for illustration. Basic quantum mechanics elementary calculus vector calculus and Algebra are the pre-requisites.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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