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Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems: Architectures Design Methods and Applications (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems: Architectures Design Methods and Applications (Hardcover)
Product Description

Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems is the first ever to focus on the emerging field of Dynamically Reconfigurable Computing Systems. While programmable logic and design-time configurability are well elaborated and covered by various texts this book presents a unique overview over the state of the art and recent results for dynamic and run-time reconfigurable computing systems. Reconfigurable hardware is not only of utmost importance for large manufacturers and vendors of microelectronic devices and systems but also a very attractive technology for smaller and medium-sized companies. Hence Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems also addresses researchers and engineers actively working in the field and provides them with information on the newest developments and trends in dynamic and run-time reconfigurable systems.

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March 4, 2025

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