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Imperial Dragon Jasmine Rice, 20 lbs

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Product Name
Imperial Dragon Jasmine Rice, 20 lbs
Product Description

Imperial Dragon Jasmine Rice, 20lbs is a delicious brand of jasmine rice that is grown, milled and packaged in Thailand. The Thai Hom Mali seal, which is regulated by the government of Thailand, assures the customers that this jasmine rice is made with the highest standard of care and inspection. This long grain jasmine rice has a sweet and aromatic fragrance that is soft in texture when cooked and complements various meat, fish and vegetable dishes. This rice is also amazing to use for fried rice and curry. This naturally gluten free rice also provides a number of important B vitamins for those who are nutrition curious. Enjoy this rice with other ingredients and you should be able to take in the important vitamins and minerals for a healthy body. Lastly, this 20 lbs packaging will be plentiful for many meals so you can enjoy it with friends and family.

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Last updated
February 28, 2025

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