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Complete Illustrated Guides (Taunton) The Complete Illustrated Guide to Furniture & Cabinet Construction (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Complete Illustrated Guides (Taunton) The Complete Illustrated Guide to Furniture & Cabinet Construction (Hardcover)
Product Description

Expert woodworker and writer Andy Rae takes the construction of furniture and breaks it into components -- from boxes cases doors and drawers to shelves and feet. He explains all the techniques used to build them so you can choose the ones that are best for you. Then he shows you how to put the pieces together to make great furniture. In The Complete Illustrated Guide to Furniture & Cabinet Construction you ll acquire a working knowledge of woodworking materials a higher control over your work and tools and an understanding of basic design principles. Graphic step-by-step presentation of key techniques and methods Visual maps cross-references and indexes make information easy to find Covers the many woodworking methods and tools available Modern up-to-date coverage of tools and techniques Part of a three-volume encyclopedia of woodworking

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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