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Mnycxen Red Bird Time Three-Piece Jewelry Bracelet Earring Necklace Jewelry Kit

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Product Name
Mnycxen Red Bird Time Three-Piece Jewelry Bracelet Earring Necklace Jewelry Kit
Product Description

Please note this item ships from an international seller. Expected delivery is 10-15 days. Red Bird Time Three-piece Jewelry Bracelet Earring Necklace Jewelry Kit Feature: Material: made of alloy free of lead This bright red bird kit will be packed in a bag ready to give gifts at any time. The good gift for Mother s Day Valentine s Day Christmas birthday or graduation suitable for any lady daughter granddaughter girlfriend wife fiancee or someone special you want to remember. The red badge is a bright red bishop. It forages in the bushes then bursts out using its different summons to declare itself. When the red bird show up and your love is about to approach it is an excellent commemorative gift for your loved one. This beautiful glasses necklace is characterized by a sweet red dress in a crescent moon with a silver pendant. The entire red bird perches on wooden logs which will give it a vivid color and help and enhance the image. Bright red represents the angels of those passing by and this bracelet is the perfect sympathy gift. Package included: 1x necklace 1x bracelet 1 pair of earrings

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Last updated
October 20, 2024

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