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Stronger (CD) by Natalie Grant

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Product Name
Stronger (CD) by Natalie Grant
Product Description

CD. Natalie Grant s Stronger is one of the rarest treasures in Christian music: an original album that has a distinct voice and style. With so many CCM pop stars making decent but faceless music it is a relief to see that there are still albums like this floating around. With a powerhouse voice and top-notch songwriters Grant brings to mind a wholesome Britney Spears at some points and a spiritual Faith Hill at others. In fact it is pretty weird to hear what would ordinarily be typical radio pop filled with lyrics about Christian topics and ideologies. But it works; in fact it works very well. This is one of the freshest approaches to this genre in quite a while bringing to mind Amy Grant s groundbreaking Heart in Motion. Much like the other Grant Natalie Grant puts her emphasis on the hooks something that most CCM artists put in a distant second behind their message. Because of this she not only gets her message across but gets it across using music that anyone could get into. This is a very good album that points to the direction that CCM has the potential to go in. Despite the stigma that the genre has with mainstream audiences any fan of solid pop music should at least give this a chance. ~ Bradley Torreano Rovi

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Last updated
January 6, 2025

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