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Triskellion: Triskellion 3: The Gathering (Series #3) (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Triskellion: Triskellion 3: The Gathering (Series #3) (Hardcover)
Product Description

The heart-pounding conclusion to the supernatural Triskellion trilogy! After escaping the Australian Outback -- and the nefarious agents of the ill-named Hope Organization -- Rachel and Adam have fled to the United States in hopes of locating their father. Luck is evading them however until they follow the clues in the note their Granny Root left them leading straight to a military base in Alamogordo New Mexico. Meanwhile their mother is facing charges of murder in Oklahoma even as Dr. Laura Sullivan speeds to New Mexico to snatch the kids from the clutches of the Hope Organization. Will Rachel and Adam discover the third and final triskellion before it s too late?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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