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Advances in Sociolinguistics: Language Ideologies and Media Discourse: Texts Practices Politics (Paperback)

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Product Name
Advances in Sociolinguistics: Language Ideologies and Media Discourse: Texts Practices Politics (Paperback)
Product Description

The study of language ideologies has become a key theme in sociolinguistics over the past decade. It is the study of the relationship between representations of language on the one hand and broader aesthetic economic moral and political concerns on the other. Research into the particular role played by media discourse in the construction reproduction and contestation of such ideologies has been widely scattered - this book brings together this emerging field. It considers how in an era of global communication technologies the media - by which we understand the press radio television cinema the internet and multimodal gaming - help to disseminate preferred uses of and ideas about language. The book is tightly focussed on the relationship between language ideologies and media discourse together with the methods and techniques required for the analysis of that relationship. It also places emphasis on television and new-media texts incorporating and expanding upon recent theoretical insights into visual communication and multimodal discourse analysis. International in scope this book will also be of interest to students from a wide range of fields including linguistics (particularly sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology) modern languages education media studies communication studies and cultural theory.

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March 4, 2025

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