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Minimally Invasive Surgery in Total Hip Arthroplasty (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Total Hip Arthroplasty (Hardcover)
Product Description

Recent years have witnessed a trend toward the use of minimally invasive techniques in all areas of orthopedic surgery including hip replacement. This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the use of minimally invasive surgery in total hip arthroplasty. The four commonly employed approaches - anterior anterolateral OCM anterolateral supine and posterior - are described in detail with the aid of high-quality illustrations. For each approach clear guidance is offered on patient selection patient positioning surgical procedure postsurgical care and rehabilitation. Potential complications and the advantages and disadvantages of each option are carefully weighed up and experts also present their personal experiences outcomes and success rates with the different approaches. The book concludes by discussing future trends in hip arthroplasty.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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