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Gtechniq W7 Tar and Glue Remover Full Strength Solvent Based Tar 500 ML

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Product Name
Gtechniq W7 Tar and Glue Remover Full Strength Solvent Based Tar 500 ML
Product Description

GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Remover is a full strength solvent based tar and glue remover designed to make quick work of tar spots that appear on your paint. GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Remover is compatible with GTechniq EXO C1 and Crystal Serum and will not harm your coating during tar and glue removal. In fact GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Remover was designed as a maintenance product for just those coatings! Coatings are designed to protect your paint fully – this means it will repel dirt and dust keep water spots from forming and block out UVA and UVB rays. GTechniq paint coatings also include a very strong anti-adhesion function but tar spots are a hazard of every day driving and the appropriate cleaner is necessary for removal. GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Removal was designed to work with rather than against GTechniq paint coatings and will remove these spots without harm to the surface. GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Removal can also be used for the removal of decal-glue – the sticky stuff that holds the decorative and manufacturer decals on your paint. If the area around the decal is already coated with a GTechniq coating GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Removal will not harm it! GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Remover ensures your coatings and paint sealants stay in perfect condition – even when contact with tar and glue occurs! Directions for use: Spray GTechniq W7 Tar and Glue Remover directly onto the soiled area and allow to dwell for approximately 5-10 minutes. Rinse the area and inspect to ensure that all contamination is gone. If not repeat the first step again. Do not spray the product onto black plastic trim rubber vinyl or other trim parts. If overspray accidentally gets onto these parts remove immediately with your wash solution.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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