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The Ultimate And Easy Instant Pot Cookbook : 600 Quick And Easy Instant Pot Recipes For Beginners And Advanced Users (Hardcover)

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The Ultimate And Easy Instant Pot Cookbook : 600 Quick And Easy Instant Pot Recipes For Beginners And Advanced Users (Hardcover)
Product Description

An Instant pot is just a single appliance with multifunctional features. It can perform the task of the steamer electric pressure cooker warming pot and rice cooker. It speeds up the cooking process by using 70 percent less of energy. The instant pot uses a pattern of cooking meals in a vessel that is sealed properly holding the steam inside the pot below a pre-set pressure. As the water boiling point increases so does the pressure increase as well. The built-up pressure allows the temperature to rise as well thus making the cooking process quicker. This cookbook features: 600 Easy and Foolproof Home-made Recipes: a big collection of recipes to cater to diverse tastes and needs. Safe Cooking Tips- cook safely successfully and effectively. Affordable Ingredients- all the ingredients used in the recipes are right at hands rather than fancy exotic ones that you will never use again. Easy and Straightforward Directions- take out of guesswork and cook with no fuss. Make use of your Instant Pot!

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Last updated
October 20, 2024

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