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HSM HSM18424 Securio B34c L4 13-15 Sheet Micro Cut Shredder with Auto Oiler- 26.4 gal

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Product Name
HSM HSM18424 Securio B34c L4 13-15 Sheet Micro Cut Shredder with Auto Oiler- 26.4 gal
Product Description

HSM develops produces and sells products and systems for compressing materials as well as for cutting and shredding paper and electronic data media. The office technology product includes cutting machines document shredders shredder-baler combinations and cardboard perforators. In the corporate environmental technology division the portfolio includes vertical horizontal and channel baling presses as well as PET bottles and can solutions. The portfolio also includes configuration and implementation of system solutions for shredding and pressing of various valuable products such as paper foil cardboard composite materials PET foams car tires hard plastics etc. Specifications Capacity: 26.4 gal. - SKU: HSMA143

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Last updated
February 12, 2025

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