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Adipositas - Kein Thema Rund Um Die Geburt? : Gesundheit Und Wohlbefinden in Peripartalen Phasen (Paperback)

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Product Name
Adipositas - Kein Thema Rund Um Die Geburt? : Gesundheit Und Wohlbefinden in Peripartalen Phasen (Paperback)
Product Description

Modern studies reveal a dramatic rise in the number of obese persons of all age groups - including women of childbearing age. In obstetrics adipositas is usually seen as a cause of increased physical complications. But how do obese women themselves experience peripartal phases including obstectrical care and supervision? What influence do they see their obesity having on their own health and well-being? And on which concepts and experiences do midwives and obstetricians orient themselves in the care of obese women? This the seventh volume in the series Women s Health strives to sensitize the reader to the perspective of obese women who are pregnant giving birth or in childbed. It is directed at health researchers and persons directly active in obstetrical care who want to take a closer look at this ever more topical and to date neglected subject. German text.

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March 10, 2025

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