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Feeding the Soul Book I Did a New Thing: 30 Days to Living Free (Hardcover)

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Feeding the Soul Book I Did a New Thing: 30 Days to Living Free (Hardcover)
Product Description

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER America s Mom Tabitha Brown presents an inspirational guide for encouraging positive changes in your life--one day and one challenge at a time. I did a new thing today! Years ago Tabitha Brown started a 30-day personal challenge that she called I Did a New Thing! The challenge was simple. Every day she would do something she d never done before. Sometimes it was something small like trying a new food. Other times she d step it up a bit and speak to someone she d never spoken to before. Still other times she d do the hard thing--facing a fear that she had like having that tough conversation with a friend. No matter what it was the point was that she was going to take a leap of faith and watch God open up a new lane for her. One of the new things she tried was a vegan challenge. She d been struggling with illness for nearly a year and was desperately searching for healing. She challenged herself to eat vegan every day for thirty days and six years later her life has never been the same--all because she decided to do a new thing. In I Did a New Thing Tab shares her own stories and those of others alongside gentle guidance and encouragement to create these incredible changes for yourself and see what good can come from them. Whether that means having the hard conversation or trying for a promotion or simply wearing something different or doing something kind for someone else Tab has a plan for you: Try one new thing every single day for thirty days. You don t have to wait until Monday or the beginning of a new month or year to get started. There s no set time and place or any extra preparation required. All you have to do is show up for yourself. And that can start right now.

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March 4, 2025

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