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Microblading Aftercare Cards Green 50 Pack Disposable FAQ Microblade Printed Certified Recommended Care Instructions 3.5 x 2 inches Microblading Supplies Client Take Home

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Microblading Aftercare Cards Green 50 Pack Disposable FAQ Microblade Printed Certified Recommended Care Instructions 3.5 x 2 inches Microblading Supplies Client Take Home
Product Description

Microblading aftercare instruction business cards printed and shipped to you! These are full of information related to the after care cleaning of treated area unusually symptoms appearance after treatment what to avoid after microblading etc. It also talks about when microblading touch ups are recommended. It addresses how the area will feel after the procedure. If you are a cosmetologist make up artists certified in microblading you can purchase these handy microblading instruction cards to hand out to clients after the procedure. These are essential to your appointment cards and microblading supplies. Size is 2 x 3.5 inches. They are printed on a 14 pt. matte card stock! Microblading FAQs included: What can I expect as far as appearance? Immediately after the pigment will appear very dark and the skin underneath will be red. In 1-2 weeks the skin will appear healed and the pigment will fade to a more natural shade. How often will I need touch ups? About once a year a touch-up is recommended. Every two years you may need to repeat the microblading procedure entirely. What is not part of the normal healing process? Puffy or raised microblading area yellow discharge very red treatment area or redness extending past the treated area. Scabbing continuing past 2 weeks.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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