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Road to Bali

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Road to Bali
Product Description

0056775069599. New condition. DVD. Run time: 91 mins. Language: English. This sixth entry in the Crosby-Hope-Lamour Road series was the first (and last) in Technicolor. This time Bing Crosby and Bob Hope play George Cochran and Harold Gridley American vaudevillians stranded in Australia. To avoid a dual shotgun wedding George and Harold sign on as deep-sea divers for sinister South-Sea-island prince Ken Arok (Murvyn Vye). After a contretemps with an octopus (courtesy of stock footage from Reap the Wild Wind) our heroes sail to the prince s Balinese homeland where they meet and fall in love with gorgeous Princess Lalah (Dorothy Lamour). Though Lalah favors George she feels obligated to Harold because he resembles her childhood best friend -- a chimpanzee (this must be seen to be believed). When Ken Arok attempts to usurp Lalah s throne she and the boys escape to a tropical island where they meet the inevitable slapstick-comedy gorilla. More adventures await the intrepid trio on another island this one dominated by an active volcano. Who gets the girl in this one? A hint: the loser tries to physically prevent the The End title from flashing on the screen during the final fadeout. Though not as fresh and spontaneous as earlier Road endeavors Road to Bali has its fair share of non sequitur gags inside jokes and unbilled guest appearances (including Martin and Lewis Bing s brother Bob Crosby Humphrey Bogart and Jane Russell). Best bit: when Crosby feels a song coming on Hope turns to the camera and hisses He s gonna sing folks. Now s the time to go and get your popcorn. Hal Erickson Rovi

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Last updated
February 7, 2025

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