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Sport and Migration: Borders Boundaries and Crossings (Paperback)

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Sport and Migration: Borders Boundaries and Crossings (Paperback)
Product Description

From Major League Baseball to English soccer s Premier League all successful contemporary professional sports leagues include a wide diversity of nationalities and ethnicities within their playing and coaching rosters. The international migration of sporting talent and labor encouraged and facilitated by the social and economic undercurrents of globalization mean that world sport is now an important case study for any student or researcher with an interest in international labor flows economic migration global demography or the interdependent world economy. In this dazzling collection of papers leading international sport studies scholars chart the patterns policies and personal experiences of labour migration within and around sport and in doing so cast important new light both on the forces shaping modern sport and on the role that sport plays in shaping the world economy and global society. Presenting original case studies of sports from European and African soccer to Japanese baseball to rugby union in New Zealand the book makes an important contribution to our understanding of a wide range of issues within contemporary social science such as national identity politics economic structure and organization north-south relations imperial legacies and gender relations. This book is invaluable reading for students and researchers working in sport studies human geography economics or international business.

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March 4, 2025

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