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Get the Most from Your Sewing Machine: Smart Tips Funky Ideas and Original Projects for Any Machine (Paperback)

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Product Name
Get the Most from Your Sewing Machine: Smart Tips Funky Ideas and Original Projects for Any Machine (Paperback)
Product Description

This title allows you to look at the features in your trusty sewing machine in a completely new light and discover how practical functions and stitch settings can become creative goldmines. A mixture of feature spreads that burst with tips ideas tricks inspirations and creative projects covering everything from applique and quilting to using scrap fabric for sewing that s a bit more off-piste . The flexible dip-into format makes for a highly accessible and inspirational product - funky page layouts hold a wealth of must-know bite-size information. It is a go-to book that will be referred to again and again for sewing techniques and inspiration even as the same reader s confidence and skills grow.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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