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Hot Shot No-Pest Strip2 Odorless Deep-Penetrating Vapor 1 Count

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Product Name
Hot Shot No-Pest Strip2 Odorless Deep-Penetrating Vapor 1 Count
Product Description

No matter where your pest problem rears its ugly head Hot Shot insecticides are the answer to what’s bugging you! Kill flying and crawling bugs in attics garages storage spaces boats RVs and cabins with Hot Shot No-Pest Strip. This hanging insect repellent uses advanced controlled-release technology to slowly diffuse a deep penetrating vapor throughout the enclosed treatment space for up to four months. Its clean odorless vapor is evenly distributed killing both visible and hidden insects on contact and preventing new insect infestations. Because it continuously emits vapor Hot Shot No-Pest Strip is designed to be used in areas occupied by people less than four hours per day such as garages attics or sheds. You can also hang one in your vacation home cabin mobile home or boat while it s not being used. One Hot Shot No-Pest Strip will treat a 10-by-13-foot enclosed room with an 8-foot ceiling. Treatment usually lasts for four months; replace with a new fresh full-strength strip at the end of four months.

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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