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Korg microKEY2 61-Key Compact MIDI Keyboard

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Product Name
Korg microKEY2 61-Key Compact MIDI Keyboard
Product Description

An uncomplicated straightforward design compact size and easy connectivity made the first-generation microKEY series a bestseller. Korg s second-generation microKEY lineup retains those attributes and adds iPad and iPhone support plus a damper pedal jack for improved playability. In all the microKEY series has evolved to become even more convenient and versatile making it an ideal choice for first-time and more established players alike. Compact and playable Natural Touch Mini Keyboard KORG’s Natural Touch mini keyboard has been carefully designed to assure playability while staying compact and makes it easy to play chords or rapid phrases. Connect with a single USB cable*; supports Mac Win iPad and iPhone Since the microKEY is USB bus-powered you only need a single USB cable to connect it to Mac or Windows. There s no need to install a driver; just connect it to your computer and start playing. The second generation newly supports connection to iPad and iPhone. Add an Apple Lightning - USB camera adaptor and one USB cable and your setup is complete allowing you to access apps such as KORG Gadget KORG Module and GarageBand. *For connection to the iPad/iPhone use the Apple Lightning - USB camera adapter. Connect a pedal and enjoy full control functionality The 37 49 and 61-key models provide an assignable switch jack for connecting a damper pedal. On all models you can use the octave buttons in conjunction with the key transpose function to play MIDI s entire range of notes. As well these models provide pitch bend and modulation wheels. Lavish array of powerful music software bundled free of charge The microKEY comes with a serious collection of powerful music software titles including popular special editions of KORG Gadget and KORG Module plus the KORG Legacy Collection offering five classic KORG instruments as plug-ins. With microKEY you won’t have to purchase additional software; you can start creating music right away. The sounds and functions are expanded if you use Apps for iPad/iPhone with new microKEY. Dedicated editor software “KORG KONTROL Editor” By using the dedicated KORG KONTROL Editor for Mac/Windows you can customize the keyboard to your preferences including fine adjustments to the velocity curve. Get your Korg microkey2 Compact MIDI Keyboard Controller today at the guaranteed lowest price from Sam Ash Direct with our 45-day return and 60-day price protection policy.

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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