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Www.Y2Ktheory.EP..A.J.B..Com (CD) (EP)

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Product Name
Www.Y2Ktheory.EP..A.J.B..Com (CD) (EP)
Product Description

As a supplement to their most recent release what s really goin on? producer Warren Fitzgerald (of the Vandals) has re-mixed some of the tastiest AJB tracks into five kinky danceable fat boy slim style beat oriented ghetto jams. I know most of you are tired of ska but this is anti-ska. Don t get too into that ska title. These guys play full on schitzo punk that just falls into a category of their own. Their formula is pure fun and they definitely don t follow the ska blueprint. They play almost to the point where it seems they don t know how to play or have any singing talent most of the time. Just three guys having fun. The rawness is infectious and the lyrics are belly aching silly. -FLIPSIDE.

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Last updated
December 18, 2024

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