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Macabre Grinning Skull Cranium Toilet Brush & Base Holder Bathroom 2 Piece Set

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Product Name
Macabre Grinning Skull Cranium Toilet Brush & Base Holder Bathroom 2 Piece Set
Product Description

• This novelty skull set consists of a toilet brush and base. Grab the skull-capped femur and brush your head clean! Add flair to even the most mundane room with our absolutely unique quality designer resin work of decorative art that gives you an extra arm to deal with bathroom skullduggery. • When installed into the base the overall height of the brush set is 14.25 . The skull base is 6.25 Wide and 4.5 Deep approximately. The toilet brush part measures 12.75 Tall and 3 in diameter (standard size). The sculpture set weighs about 1.5 pounds. • The ossuary toilet brush holder set is made of polyresin hand painted and polished individually. The toilet brush handle and bristles is made of plastic. • Soda can and props placed next to the sculpture are not included with the listing. They are meant to provide size perspective of the item.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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