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Maximum Strength 3-in-1 Carb Blocker

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Product Name
Maximum Strength 3-in-1 Carb Blocker
Product Description

--- When combined with a healthy low-calorie diet and exercise plan  Maximum Strength 3-in-1 Carb Blocker provides a targeted approach to help you achieve your weight loss goals.* The triple-approach formula works to: --- Maximum Strength 3-in-1 Carb Blocker has been specifically designed for those who eat pasta bread and other carbohydrate-packed foods.* --- Neutralize Starch Enzymes: White Kidney Bean is a plant-derived non-stimulant ingredient that neutralizes the negative effects of carbohydrates by inhibiting a portion of the body s amylase the enzyme responsible for digesting starch.* This powerful plant extract works to decrease the number of starch-carbohydrate calories digested by the body.* Enhance Digestion: Lipase and Protease are necessary enzymes responsible for breaking down fats and proteins.* These enzymes are included in this formula to optimize the digestion of foods.* Support Metabolism: Chromium Picolinate helps to promote healthy metabolism of carboÂhydrates and fats in the body.* This formula also supplies a concentrated extract of Cinnamon. ---

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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