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Break the Mirror (Paperback)

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Product Name
Break the Mirror (Paperback)
Product Description

Poetry. Asian American Studies. The 82 poems presented here are an elegant mixture of taut language vigorously sourced in classical Asian literature and a fresh, startling vernacular. "Wandering Japanese poet, environmentalist, friend of Snyder and Ginsberg, concerned humorist, Sakaki writes what can only be characterized as stretch haiku. Combining Buddhism's compassion for all life with Taoism's strong identification with nature, which he then brings into contact with everyday things, Sakaki strikes sparks of recognition. The poet himself translates from the original Japanese into English (and sometimes the other way round) with the help of friends, giving the poems an interesting vernacularc impact. Enjoyable"--Donald J. Pearce, Library Journal.

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Last updated
September 4, 2024

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