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Koolatron MK14FE Mosquito Trap Cordless 1 Acre with Octenol

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Product Name
Koolatron MK14FE Mosquito Trap Cordless 1 Acre with Octenol
Product Description

Protect your entire family from disease carrying mosquitoes with the Bite Shield 1 Acre Cordless Mosquito Trap Guardian. This trap uses all of the proven mosquito attractants to draw the annoying and harmful insects away from where your loved ones gather. This is an easy to assemble weatherproof unit powerful enough to cover a full acre of land. The Cordless Guardian Pro requires the installation of a 20 pound propane tank sold separately. Now you can eliminate mosquitoes and control deadly viral diseases carried by mosquitoes and other flies with the Bite Shield range of Mosquito Control Products without harmful pesticides. The Bite Shield MK14 Mosquito Trap Guardian utilizes the documented attractiveness of carbon dioxide (CO2) moisture body temperature(thermal imaging) color shape and airflow in an effective design that captures and kills mosquitoes. Similar traps have been in use for years by Universities State Monitoring Program and Researchers around the world. Length: 24 Width: 13 Height: 19- SKU: KO138

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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