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Super-Flexibility for Knowledge Enterprises: A Toolkit for Dynamic Adaptation (Hardcover)

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Super-Flexibility for Knowledge Enterprises: A Toolkit for Dynamic Adaptation (Hardcover)
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strategy but we also focus on execution. We talk about organizational design and also refect on leadership practices. Our assumption is that in a dynamic world leaders at all levels have to constantly switch gears wear different hats and na- gate at different altitudes. They have to think about the total enterprise not in terms of compartmentalized silos or felds of functional expertise. Much like a g- eral contractor they have to draw on specialized expertise as and when needed yet keep the big picture in mind. Our hope is that our diagnostic tools can help teams develop a shared frame of reference and generate cross-functional dialogue. The third driving force behind this second edition is the gradual convergence between the worlds of entrepreneurial start-ups and challenges facing established corporations. Innovation agility and initiative are no longer the exclusive preserve of start-ups. Established companies are looking for ways to re-invent themselves to innovate to think creatively and to make their enterprises more fexible agile and entrepreneurial. We have had the good fortune to sit at the intersection of these two worlds. We hope our ideas can beneft both groups. We set out to provide a buffet table a menu of options that can be helpful for the two ends of the spectrum.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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