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Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 13th International Conference FC 2009 Accra Beach Barbados February 23-26 2009. Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)

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Product Name
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 13th International Conference FC 2009 Accra Beach Barbados February 23-26 2009. Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)
Product Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security held at the Accra Beach Hotel and Resort Barbados February 23-26 2009. Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC) is a well-established int- national forum for research advanced development education exploration and debate regarding information assurance in the context of ?nance and commerce. The conference covers all aspects of securing transactions and systems. The goal of FC is to bring security and cryptography researchers and pr- titioners together with economists bankers and policy makers. This year we assembled a vibrant program featuring 21 peer-reviewed research paper pres- tations two panels (on the economics of information security and on authen- cation) and a keynote address by David Dagon. Despite a proliferation of security and cryptography venues FC continues to receive a large number of high-quality submissions. This year we received 91 submissions(75full-lengthpapers 15shortpapersand1panel).Eachsubmission was reviewed by at least three reviewers. Following a rigorous selection ranking and discussion process the Program Committee accepted 20 full-length papers 1 short paper and 1 panel. The overall acceptance rate was 24%.

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