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Studies in Classification Data Analysis Data Analysis and Classification: Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the (Paperback)

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Studies in Classification Data Analysis Data Analysis and Classification: Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the (Paperback)
Product Description

This volume contains revised versions of selected papers presented at the biennial meeting of the Classi?cation and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society which was held in Macerata September 12-14 2007. Carlo Laurochairedthe Scienti?c ProgrammeCommitteeand FrancescoPalumbochaired the Local Organizing Committee. The scienti?c programme scheduled 150 oral presentations and one poster s- sion. Sessions were organised in ?ve plenary sessions 10 invited paper specialised sessions and 24 solicited paper sessions. Contributed papers and posters were 54 and 12 respectively. Five eminent scholars who have given important impact in the Classi?cation and Data Analysis ?elds were invited as keynote speakers they are H. Bozdogan S. R. Masera G. McLachlan A. Montanari A. Rizzi. Invited Paper Specialised Sessions focused on the following topics: Knowledge extraction from temporal data models Statistical models with errors-in-covariates Multivariate analysis for microarray data Cluster analysis of complex data Educational processes assessment by means of latent variables models Classi?cation of complex data Multidimensional scaling Statistical models for public policies Classi?cation models for enterprise risk management Model-based clustering It is worth noting that two of the ten specialised sessions were organised by the French (Classi?cation of complex data) and Japanese (Multidimensional scaling) classi?cation societies. The SPC is grateful to professorsOkada (Japan) and Zighed (France) who took charge of the Japanese and French specialised session org- isation respectively.

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