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Pulp Bleaching Today (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Pulp Bleaching Today (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book describes the most effective application of chemicals in bleaching. It starts with a brief overview of the history of bleaching and then focuses on recent developments. The ban of chlorine from bleaching pulp has shifted bleaching to environmentally sound procedures. Elementary Chlorine Free bleaching (ECF bleaching) and Totally Chlorine Free bleaching (TCF bleaching) are explained. The potential of different bleaching chemicals is exemplified in detail with a special focus on what to do and what to avoid. Very recent knowledge about the sources of yellowing is utilized to explain the ideal strategy for the removal of chromophores and their precursors. Emphasis is placed on applicable bleaching in clear contrast to sophisticated complicated or simply expensive pseudo modern bleaching. The target of this book is to explain the potential and the limitations of different chemicals and to demonstrate the necessity of comprehensive solutions for an environmentally sound use of the raw material wood of chemicals and of water in the production of pulp with top quality and yield. This book should educate students in the art of bleaching assist mill personal in their continuous effort for process optimization help research and technology managers to successfully select their targets and be on hand as reference of the most recent bleaching technology.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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