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Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Circuits: Design for Manufacturability (Hardcover)

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Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Circuits: Design for Manufacturability (Hardcover)
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Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Cutting-Edge CMOS VLSI Design for Manufacturability Techniques This detailed guide offers proven methods for optimizing circuit designs to increase the yield reliability and manufacturability of products and mitigate defects and failure. Covering the latest devices technologies and processes Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Circuits: Design for Manufacturability focuses on delivering higher performance and lower power consumption. Costs constraints and computational efficiencies are also discussed in the practical resource. Nanoscale CMOS VLSI Circuits covers: Current trends in CMOS VLSI design Semiconductor manufacturing technologies Photolithography Process and device variability: analyses and modeling Manufacturing-Aware Physical Design Closure Metrology manufacturing defects and defect extraction Defect impact modeling and yield improvement techniques Physical design and reliability DFM tools and methodologies

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March 4, 2025

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