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Human Factors in Mining: Understanding Human Error in Mine Safety (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Human Factors in Mining: Understanding Human Error in Mine Safety (Hardcover)
Product Description

The consideration of human factors issues is vital to the mining industry. As in other safety-critical domains human performance problems constitute a significant threat to system safety making the study of human factors an important field for improving safety in mining operations. The primary purpose of this book is to provide the reader with a much-needed overview of human factors within the mining industry in particular to understand the role of human error in mine safety explaining contemporary risk management and safety systems approaches. The approach taken is multidisciplinary and holistic based on a model of the systems of work in the mining industry domain. The ingredients in this model include individual operators groups/teams technology/equipment work organisation and the physical environment. Throughout the book topics such as human error and safety management are covered through the use of real examples and case studies allowing the reader to see the practical significance of the material presented while making the text rigorous useful and enjoyable. Understanding Human Error in Mine Safety is written for professionals in the field researchers and students of mining engineering safety or human factors.

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March 4, 2025

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