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Clearblue Pregnancy Test Combo Pack, Digital with Smart Countdown & Rapid Detection 2 Ct

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Product Name
Clearblue Pregnancy Test Combo Pack, Digital with Smart Countdown & Rapid Detection 2 Ct
Product Description

This unique Clearblue Pregnancy Test Combo Pack includes 2 different tests - bringing you extra value and peace of mind. The Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test provides unmistakably clear results in words. The Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test has a color change tip and provides fast results with a clear plus (+) or minus (-) result within 3 minutes. With 2 ways to test, you will have 2 ways to know and you can double-check your result. Both tests are over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period[1] and are so sensitive you can use them up to 5 days sooner than your missed period[2].[1] >99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels vary. See insert. [2] Both the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test and the Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test can be used 5 days before/sooner than your missed period, which is up to 4 days before your expected period. With Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test 75% of pregnant results can be detected 5 days before your missed period. With Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test 56% of pregnant results can be detected 5 days before your missed period.[3] Independent market research data; international sales (data on file).

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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