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National Forest Inventories: Pathways for Common Reporting (Hardcover)

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Product Name
National Forest Inventories: Pathways for Common Reporting (Hardcover)
Product Description

Forest inventories throughout the world have evolved gradually over time. The content as well as the concepts and de?nitions employed are constantly adapted to the users needs. Advanced inventory systems have been established in many countries within Europe as well as outside Europe as a result of development work spanning several decades in some cases more than 100 years. With continuously increasing international agreements and commitments the need for information has also grown drastically and reporting requests have become more frequent and the content of the reports wider. Some of the agreements made at the international level have direct impacts on national economies and international decisions e. g. the Kyoto Protocol. Thus it is of utmost importance that the forest information supplied is collected and analysed using sound scienti?c principles and that the information from different countries is comparable. European National Forest Inventory (NFI) teams gathered in Vienna in 2003 to discuss the new challenges and the measures needed to get data users to take full advantage of existing NFIs. As a result the European National Forest Inventory Network (ENFIN) a network of NFIs was established. The ENFIN members decided to apply for funding for meetings and collaborative activities. COST- European Cooperation in Science and Technology - provided the necessary ?n- cial means for the realization of the program.

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March 4, 2025

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