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Globalization and Community: A World of Gangs : Armed Young Men and Gangsta Culture (Series #14) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Globalization and Community: A World of Gangs : Armed Young Men and Gangsta Culture (Series #14) (Paperback)
Product Description

9780816650675. Pre-owned: Good condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 240. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 240 p. Contains: Illustrations. Globalization and Community 14. For the more than a billion people who now live in urban slums gangs are ubiquitous features of daily life. Though still most closely associated with American cities gangs are an entrenched worldwide phenomenon that play a significant role in a wide range of activities from drug dealing to extortion to religious and political violence. In A World of Gangs John Hagedorn explores this international proliferation of the urban gang as a consequence of the ravages of globalization. Looking closely at gang formation in three world cities-Chicago Rio de Janeiro and Capetown-he discovers that some gangs have institutionalized as a strategy to confront a hopeless cycle of poverty racism and oppression. In particular Hagedorn reveals the nihilistic appeal of gangsta rap and its street ethic of survival by any means necessary provides vital insights into the ideology and persistence of gangs around the world. This groundbreaking work concludes on a hopeful note. Proposing ways in which gangs might be encouraged to overcome their violent tendencies Hagedorn appeals to community leaders to use the urgency outrage and resistance common to both gang life and hip-hop in order to bring gangs into broader movements for social justice.

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March 4, 2025

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