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Pre-Owned AmeRican Paperback

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Pre-Owned AmeRican Paperback
Product Description

This book is a practical guide to the development and use of selection procedures for those who are concerned with human resource management but who are not necessarily specialists in personnel testing. Dr. Barrett explains how to improve the quality of the work force with the most modern techniques while avoiding unfair discrimination against minorities women older workers and the disabled. He challenges myths that have grown up in the past 30 years which interfere with the use of valid and fair selection procedures. Topics include: historical and legal background cognitive and non-cognitive selection procedures validity and measuring and reducing adverse impact. Although he concentrates on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act there is special treatment of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Age of Discrimination in Employment Act. Clearly written and informal this book is every bit as professionally sound as his earlier book Fair Employment Strategies in Human Resource Management. It removes part of the mystique about tests with many illustrations of good and bad practice. Besides being useful to human resource executives it is a valuable supplementary text for graduate and undergraduate courses in personnel management. Attorneys would also find it especially valuable because the author documents its point with citations to important cases and the the Uniform Guidelines.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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