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Teacher Lore and Professional Development for School Reform (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Teacher Lore and Professional Development for School Reform (Hardcover)
Product Description

The power of teacher lore--the stories of teachers and students in the classroom--is the starting place for real reform in education. This book begins with a careful explanation of the history and theoretical foundation that shape the context for teacher lore. A rich collection follows of stories by teachers nationwide--kindergarten through college--in a variety of disciplines. Each story concludes with the author s reflection on important issues imbedded in the writing connected to the daily challenges of teaching. The authors apply teacher lore to current theories and research on change and staff development include strategies for using teacher lore in professional development and conclude with suggestions for further readings and study. Teacher stories are a logical place to begin looking at classroom practice--the place any significant reform must begin. Teachers stories reveal the reality of what happens in the classroom by giving insights into the minds and hearts of teachers and their relationships with students and colleagues. Schwarz and Alberts compiled and wrote this collection for preservice teachers to glimpse the world of the classroom and challenge their apprenticeship of observation. Inservice teachers as well as administrators parents and university educators will also have a new way of looking at the classroom through teachers stories.

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March 10, 2025

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