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Managing Economic Reforms in Post-Mao China (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Managing Economic Reforms in Post-Mao China (Hardcover)
Product Description

The issue of government or state involvement in the process of economic development and reform has become very popular in the economic development literature. This timely volume examines China s post-Mao economic reforms and the Chinese government s involvement in the process of managing those reforms. Focusing on management issues the book considers the state led reforms from a comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective. The work consists of two parts--the experience of China s post-Mao reforms and major issues associated with the reforms. The first part covers the background stages and measures and achievements and problems of economic reforms. The second part addresses major changes in China s regional development administrative system and state-society relations. A final chapter considers the lessons of China s economic reforms.

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March 4, 2025

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