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Indigenous Cosmopolitans: Transnational and Transcultural Indigeneity in the Twenty-First Century (Paperback)

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Product Name
Indigenous Cosmopolitans: Transnational and Transcultural Indigeneity in the Twenty-First Century (Paperback)
Product Description

What happens to indigenous culture and identity when being rooted in a fixed cultural setting is no longer necessary - or even possible? Does cultural displacement mean that indigeneity vanishes? How is being and becoming indigenous (i.e. indigeneity) experienced and practiced along translocal pathways? How are new philosophies and politics of indigenous identification (indigenism) constructed in new translocal settings? The essays in this collection develop our understandings of cosmopolitanism and transnationalism and related processes and experiences of social and cultural globalization showing us that these do not spell the end of ways of being and becoming indigenous. Instead indigeneity is reengaged in wider fields finding alternative ways of being established and projected or bolstering older ways of doing so while reaching out to other cultures.

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March 4, 2025

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