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Fermented Foods : The History and Science of a Microbiological Wonder (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Fermented Foods : The History and Science of a Microbiological Wonder (Hardcover)
Product Description

Fermented Foods serves up the history and science behind some of the world s most enduring food and drink. It begins with wine beer and other heady brews before going on to explore the fascinating and often whimsical histories of fermented breads dairy vegetables and meat and to speculate on fermented fare s possible future. Along the way we learn about Roquefort cheese s fabled origins the scientific drive to brew better beer the then-controversial biological theory that saved French wine and much more. Christine Baumgarthuber also makes several detours into lesser known ferments--African beers the formidable cured meats of the Subarctic latitudes and the piquant sometimes deadly ferments of Southeast Asia. Anyone in search of an accessible fun yet comprehensive survey of the world s fermented foods need look no further than this timely necessary work.

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March 4, 2025

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