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Reference Guides to the World s Cinema Guide to American Cinema 1965-1995 (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Reference Guides to the World s Cinema Guide to American Cinema 1965-1995 (Hardcover)
Product Description

This is a critical collection of key films directors and performers in American film 1965-1995 a period that spans the demise of the studio system to the rise of the independents. The guide includes such notable contributions as the early work of Mike Nichols the litany of 1970s masterpieces from Francis Ford Coppola the overlooked works of genre directors Monte Hellman and Larry Cohen and the exciting new independent generation of Lili Taylor Jennifer Jason Leigh Sean Penn Todd Haynes and Spike Lee. Of interest to scholars students and film buffs. Each film entry contains key cast and technical credits a brief synopsis and analysis and notable awards. Each entry for director and performer contains biographical data a career overview a complete filmography and noted television and stage appearances a selected bibliography and honors received.

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March 11, 2025

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