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HSM HSM1059 shredstar X12 Cross Cut Shredder 1 Each White

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Product Name
HSM HSM1059 shredstar X12 Cross Cut Shredder 1 Each White
Product Description

X12 Cross-Cut shredder with an LED indicator shreds up to 12 sheets of paper at a time for a cost-efficient way to destroy your sensitive files and documents in a hurry. The automatic return eliminates paper jams to let you safely clear jams and help quickly get back on track. A separate disc-cutting unit empties into its own waste container to keep your various waste materials separated. Quiet operation keeps its operating noise to a minimum to prevent distracting others in quiet environments. Automatic detection and shutdown let you quickly shred random papers in a hurry. Inspection window allows you to quickly see the current fill level in the waste container to prevent you from overfilling the 6.1 gallon bin. HSM shredstar X12 Cross Cut Shredder

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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