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Set of 6 A&E Biography VHS Tapes ~ Jackie Robinson Frederick Douglass Susan B Anthony Henry Ford Amelia Earhart & Benjamin Franklin

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Set of 6 A&E Biography VHS Tapes ~ Jackie Robinson Frederick Douglass Susan B Anthony Henry Ford Amelia Earhart & Benjamin Franklin
Product Description

VHS Box Set Set of 6 Each video is still sealed in its original shrinkwrap. A&E Biography Includes: Jackie Robinson Frederick Douglass Henry Ford: Tin Lizzy Tycoon Amelia Earhart: Queen of the Air Benjamin Frankin: Citizen of the World Susan B Anthony Each of these videos are approx 50 minutes long Also includes a Project Overview VHS tape. From the packaging: Demonstrates how to incorporate these materials into your curricula to enhance the the classroom learning experience. The teachers included in this tape are National Board Certified Teachers who have used this material in their classrooms. You will see that material is easy to use informative entertaining and above all appealing to your students Set also includes a 32 page teachers manual

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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