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Similasan Stye Eye Relief Eye Drops .33 Fl Oz (Pack of 10)

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Product Name
Similasan Stye Eye Relief Eye Drops .33 Fl Oz (Pack of 10)
Product Description

Temporary relief of symptoms associated with styles such as redness, burning and tearing*. Soothes the discomfort you feel from the tenderness and redness around the eye due to the beginning of a style. Stimulates the body's natural ability to relieve symptoms of styes. Trusted by pharmacists and families in Switzerland for over 35 years, Similasan is a leading Swiss brand of remedies that use natural active ingredients instead of harsh chemicals to keep families healthy. Our state of the art facility located near the Swiss Alps makes over 190 popular remedies for children and adults: cough and cold, eye care, ear care, nasal allergies and more. Similasan has been voted by the readers of Reader's Digest the most trusted Swiss healthcare brand 14 years in a row. *The uses of our products are in compliance with official Homeopathic Compendia.

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Last updated
October 17, 2024

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