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Tonsils (BM119)

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Product Name
Tonsils (BM119)
Product Description

TONSILS DISEASED Composition: Calcium IodD6 60C, Kali Iod.D6 60C, Arsenic Iod.D6 60C, Merc bin Iod.D12 100C, Merc viv.D6 60C Diseased tonsils. Parenchymatous tonsillitis, adenoiditis, swollen glands, headache, facial neuralgia & pharyngitis. Enlarged gland, tonsils, adenoids, croup, headache, catarrh, sneezing, polyps, chill, fever and aching all over, glandular swelling, violent headache, facial neuralgia, cough. Hypertrophical condition of eustachian tubes and deafness. Burning in pharynx. Swollen tonsils. Follicular pharyngitis. Diphtheria and ulcerated sore throat, especially on left side with much glandular swallowing. Ulceration of mouth and throat, worse at night and damp weather. Constant desire to swallow, quinsy, soreness and burning in throat. Dosage: Adult: 10-15 drops, children half of the same, 3-4 times a day in some water or as prescribed by a Homoeopathic doctor. Tonsils from BestMade Natural Products! - YouTube Video will open in a new window[isdntekvideo]

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Last updated
October 17, 2024

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