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Mechanical Engineer s Handbook (Hardcover) by Dan B Marghitu

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Product Name
Mechanical Engineer s Handbook (Hardcover) by Dan B Marghitu
Product Description

9780124713703. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 880. Sewn binding. Cloth over boards. With thumb index. 880 p. Contains: Illustrations. Academic Press Series in Engineering. The Mechanical Engineer s Handbook was developed and written specifically to fill a need for mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering students. With over 1000 pages 550 illustrations and 26 tables the Mechanical Engineer s Handbook is comprehensive compact and durable. The Handbook covers major areas of mechanical engineering with succinct coverage of the definitions formulas examples theory proofs and explanations of all principle subject areas. The Handbook is an essential practical companion for all mechanical engineering students with core coverage of nearly all relevant courses included. Also anyone preparing for the engineering licensing examinations will find this handbook to be an invaluable aid. Useful analytical techniques provide the student and practicing engineer with powerful tools for mechanical design. This book is designed to be a portable reference with a depth of coverage not found in pocketbooks of formulas and definitions and without the verbosity high price and excessive size of the huge encyclopedic handbooks. If an engineer needs a quick reference for a wide array of information yet does not have a full library of textbooks or does not want to spend the extra time and effort necessary to search and carry a six pound handbook this book is for them. * Covers all major areas of mechanical engineering with succinct coverage of the definitions formulae examples theory proofs and explanations of all principle subject areas * Boasts over 1000 pages 550 illustrations and 26 tables * Is comprehensive yet affordable compact and durable with strong flexible binding * Possesses a true handbook feel in size and design with a full colour cover thumb index cross-references and useful printed endpapers

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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