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The Art of Teaching Art to Children: In School and at Home (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Art of Teaching Art to Children: In School and at Home (Paperback)
Product Description

An inspiring and comprehensive guide to art education from Nancy Beal with Gloria Bley Miller. In this accessibly written guide for classroom and art teachers as well as parents Nancy Beal shows how to release children s marvelous gifts of expression. Beal believes that children must first of all be comfortable with their materials. She focuses on six basic media: collage drawing painting clay printmaking and construction. She gives practical consideration to all facets of a teacher s responsibility: how each material should be introduced; what supplies are best; how a classroom may be set up to support children s explorations; and how teachers may ask open-ed questions to stimulate personal and meaningful expression. Beal also discusses how to integrate art into social studies and how to make museum visits productive and fun. Each chapter includes a section specifically for parents on helping their children create art at home. Beal has taught art to children for twenty-five years and is able to draw on a wealth of examples from her classroom. The Art of Teaching Art to Children is extensively illustrated with her students art visual proof of her gifts as an educator and art enthusiast.

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March 4, 2025

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