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Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals Grade 1 Teacher Resource

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Product Name
Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals Grade 1 Teacher Resource
Product Description

This comprehensive teaching resource helps first grade students master the conventions of standard English and boosts their vocabulary acquisition! Language Fundamentals has 204 pages of skill-based activities including 29 review pages with multiple choice constructed response and open-ended questions to assess students understanding and application of the focus skill. Easy-to-scaffold lessons are clearly organized by language skills and standards to help teachers target instruction. First grade skill practice covers: Print Alphabet Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs Prepositions Sentences Capitalization Punctuation Usage Vocabulary This edition features: Rules and examples for each language skill followed by targeted application activities and unit reviews Vocabulary and word study strategies and practice for challenging skills such as shades of meaning and real-life connections between words and their use Review activities that ask students to apply skills in context and demonstrate higher-level thinking This resource contains teacher support pages reproducible student pages and an answer key. This is a reproducible resource (photocopying of lessons is permitted) for single classroom or individual home use only. About Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Igniting young minds to help every child learn and succeed! Evan-Moor creates engaging and meaningful learning resources for children in grades PreK - 8. Trusted by parents and teachers for over 45 years Evan-Moor s award-winning resources are thoughtfully developed to nurture children s hearts and minds to help them reach their full potential.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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