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MochiOshis 12-Inch Character Plush Toy Animals | Set of 6

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Product Name
MochiOshis 12-Inch Character Plush Toy Animals | Set of 6
Product Description

Somewhere off the coast of Japan... hidden from any map or prying eye is the island of Oshi. Legend has it that the name was given by its colorful cuddlable citizens who feel they inhabit the most beautiful place on earth. Each region of Oshi is said to be perfectly suited for the various animal species that have made the island their home and they take great pride in keeping it Oshi . These adorable inhabitants are known as MochiOshis. And for the first time ever they are venturing out to share a bit of Oshi with the rest of the world! A Toynk exclusive!

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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