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Forget-Her-Nots (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Forget-Her-Nots (Hardcover)
Product Description

Delicious and magical here is a debut novel about a new (and slightly misunderstood) girl at an exclusive boarding school. When a class project calls for research into the Victorian language of flower Laurel makes a potent discovery. Something--some power--is blooming inside Laurel. She can use flowers to do things. Like bringing back lost memories. Or helping her friends ace tests. Or making people fall in love. Laurel suspects her newfound ability has something to do with an ancient family secret one that her mother meant to share with Laurel when the time was right. But then time ran out. Clues and signs and secret messages seem to be all around Laurel at Avondale School where her mother had also boarded as a student. Can Laurel piece everything together quickly enough to control her power which is growing more potent every day? Or will she set the stage for the most lovestruck infamous prom in the history of the school?

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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