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Underbelly : The Gangland War (Paperback)

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Product Name
Underbelly : The Gangland War (Paperback)
Product Description

John Moran and Carl Williams were the two biggest rival drug barons in Australia. They certainly weren t partners but they weren t sworn enemies. After a meeting over a drug money dispute went sour Moran shot Carl in the stomach but decided not to finish the job. It turned out to be the biggest mistake of his life as Carl became hell bent on revenge. Within months most of the Moran family and a host of underworld figures would die in an astonishing spate of revenge killings that shook the public and the police to the core. Murder greed drugs sex and corruption abound in this true story that reads like a piece of gangster fiction. This is the amazing story of a powerful man who did things his way to the bitter end.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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